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Wonderful Storytelling -Delightfully Satisfying

Publication Date: September 26, 2023

Published By: Revell Fiction

Genres: Amish, Romance, Christian Fiction

4.5 Stars!

Lost and Found is an exquisitely woven tapestry of love and redemption set against the backdrop of the Amish community. Trudy and Michah’s passion for birding creates a beautifully layered narrative. I highly recommend this novel to everyone who enjoys wonderful storytelling that is delightfully satisfying.

Suzanne Woods Fisher's storytelling expertise is truly remarkable. The characters are nicely developed, and their journeys toward love and forgiveness are relatable and tugs at the heart. Micah's determination to locate Shelley adds an element of intrigue and suspense. When Micah's path takes an unexpected turn, I was drawn deeper into his emotional pilgrimage and the essence of Amish life.

Lost and Found beautifully encapsulates the power of second chances, redemption, and the unanticipated blessings that life in the Amish community can offer.

Throughout this story the author thoughtfully incorporates entries from a bird journal to connect the fascinating world of scientific bird facts with the profound Christian symbolism often associated with these winged creatures! It’s an excellent way to explore the intersection of faith and creation.

In this novel, the theme of seeking resonates deeply within the Christian-faith context, unveiling the intricate tapestry of human yearning and the potential for misdirection. The Amish community in Stoney Ridge longed for a place to thrive, reflecting their hunger for spiritual growth and the warmth of community. Micah's unwavering pursuit of Shelley echoes the quest for souls in need of reconciliation, a journey often fueled by faith in the promise of redemption. Similarly, the fledgling hawk's search for refuge in the eagle's nest mirrors humanity's universal yearning for protection and sanctuary, echoing the Christian belief in finding solace within the loving embrace of God. Nevertheless, the narrative gently reminds us that these quests, though noble, can sometimes veer off course, serving as a very poignant reminder that our deepest desires find true fulfillment only through unwavering faith in Christ's boundless love and unmerited grace.

I received an eArc of Lost and Found from Revell via NetGalley. I was not required to write a review or paid to do so. The words above are my honest assessment of this life-changing book.


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Cindy Davis
Cindy Davis
Sep 23, 2023

Great review! I got my copy a few days ago and I am looking forward to digging into it! Have a great weekend!

Oct 28, 2023
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