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What I Took Away

What I Left for You by Liz Tolsma

Echoes of the Past #3

Publication Date: 12.01.24

Published by: Barbour Publications, Inc.

Genre: Christian Fiction, World War II

5 Stars!

In What I Left for You, Liz Tolsma weaves an evocative narrative that pulls readers into the intense journey of the Lemko people during World War II. This story unfolds through dual timelines—one set against the backdrop of a war-torn 1939 Poland and the other anchored in present-day America—each thread intricately crafted to reflect the heartbeat of faith in the face of adversity. Tolsma's characters resonate deeply, their struggles a testament to the enduring power of hope and love that persists even in the darkest hours.


Helena Kostyszak emerges as a beacon of strength amid chaos and heartbreak, her life upended by war as she fights against the Nazi regime to protect an infant entrusted to her care. Tolsma paints a vivid portrait of Helena’s faith, showcasing how her commitment to family and love becomes a lifeline in a world filled with despair. As the narrative opens with Helena’s desperate flight, I was instantly captivated by her world—a realm where every life is cherished, echoing the profound truth that “...every life is precious, bestowed on us by our Creator.”


Fast forward to 2023, and we meet McKenna Muir, a social worker grappling with the weight of loss following a tragedy. In search of solace and understanding, she embarks on a journey to uncover her family’s past, ultimately revealing startling truths about her heritage. The parallel stories of Helena and McKenna intertwine beautifully, illustrating that the ties of family and faith transcend time and circumstance. Tolsma's exploration of the phrase “No matter what, God” reverberates throughout the narrative, reminding us that in every trial we face, our faith can guide us until our very last breath.


The incorporation of the “Song of Lemkovyna” stanzas throughout the book adds a haunting emotional depth that lingers long after reading. These lyrical pieces not only enrich the narrative but also invite reflection on the cultural legacy of the Lemko people—a history often overshadowed. As Tolsma unveils their suffering and resilience, I was reminded of 1 Peter 4:8, which calls us to "keep loving one another earnestly." It serves as a beautiful reminder that even in our darkest moments, love illuminates the path forward.


One particularly poignant moment occurs when Helena prays fervently, "Heavenly God, I pray to you, give us strength to survive our sorrow and a hope for a better plight." This prayer encapsulates the heart of the story—faith enduring amidst trials. It evokes the spirit of Psalm 130, where we find comfort in waiting for the Lord's unfailing love, echoing the characters’ unwavering commitment to God through every storm.


Tolsma navigates the complexities of faith and suffering with grace, inviting readers to wrestle with life's toughest questions. She beautifully illustrates that while answers may elude us in this life, “in eternity, God will give us the answers we don’t have now.” This perspective encourages us to trust in His divine plan, no matter how tumultuous the journey becomes.


The delightful banter between McKenna and her friend Taylor injects moments of levity amidst the weighty themes, illustrating the importance of friendship and support as we navigate our own challenges. As McKenna’s journey unfolds, we witness how love and faith weave together to form a tapestry of hope, resonating with Hebrews 12:2, urging us to fix our eyes on Jesus.


In conclusion, What I Left for You transcends the boundaries of a mere novel; it is a heartfelt exploration of love, loss, and the indomitable spirit of faith. Tolsma shines a light on a lesser-known aspect of history while reminding us that “God has a way of bringing beauty out of ashes.” I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone seeking a powerful narrative of faithfulness that inspires us to hold steadfast to God through all of life’s trials—until our final breath. May we fully embrace this story, allowing its profound truths to resonate deeply within our hearts.


I received a digital ARC of What I Left for You from Barbour Publishing and NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.


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