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Extremely Disappointing

On Moonberry Lake, written by debut author, Holly Varni, started wonderfully! I adored the writing, was drawn in by the storyline, and was loving all the quirky characters. The author is very talented.

Then, as Cora and her Moonberry Lake neighbors developed their relationships and conversations ensued, I was extremely surprised and so sad to encounter New Age and other beliefs saturating the pages instead of Biblical, Christian faith.

I was ever so desperate for at least one of the characters to correct the beliefs that made me cringe because they are so far off from the Bible and some statements/beliefs that are just far off enough that concerns me even more. I struggled horribly finishing this book.

On Moonberry Lake is categorized as Christian Contemporary Fiction. The Christian faith is not represented well (if at all) in this novel, in my opinion. There are countless, ideal opportunities in this story to share the Truth via the Gospel and/or personal testimonies and/or Scripture -- with not only the characters in the story -- but, most importantly, the readers! Obviously, this was not the goal or focus for Holly Varni.

I am so disappointed that so many opportunities to shine the light on God’s Word and His ways were not included. With pang of conscience and true sadness, I cannot recommend this book.

I received an eARC of On Moonberry Lake from Revell and NetGalley -- a positive review is not required. Opinions expressed in this honest review are completely my own.


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Cindy Davis
Cindy Davis
Sep 27, 2023

Oh, I hate to hear this! I will be reading it soon. Thanks for your honest review!

Oct 28, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for taking time to read my review. It was a difficult one to write ... but I had to be honest.

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