Publication Date: 11.01.24
Published by: White Rose Publishing Pelican Book Group
Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance
5 Stars!
A Christmas Cup of Joe delivers a resonant journey of faith and renewal, wrapped in the chill of snowy streets and God’s unmistakable calling. Simon, worn by sorrow and haunted by past regrets, is numbly living one day to the next on the streets—until he receives an unexpected gift. Sandra, obedient to a gentle but undeniable prompting from the Lord, steps from her cozy life into the night, bringing with her a blessing bag, a warm smile, and an invitation to God’s love.
Sandra’s story is a stirring example of what it means to live as a genuine believer. She’s far from an idealized Christian—she’s simply someone who listens to God’s call and responds with all her heart. Her offer of compassion and kindness to Simon comes with a powerful truth that sinks deep: “We’re all blessed, actually. That’s the amazing thing. God loves each and every one of us.” How often we need that reminder, to see ourselves as blessed just by God’s love for us.
This story beautifully captures the way one person’s faith can kindle hope in another. Sandra’s belief is tangible, stirring something long-buried within Simon. “For the first time in a long time, something had sparked in him. Whatever she knew about God, it made her eyes sparkle, and he wanted to know it too.” It’s a rare glimpse into the powerful impact of simple, Spirit-led moments, and it feels wholly genuine and totally realistic.
The romance here does develop quickly (this story is less than 100 digital pages), but it’s about much more than timing—it’s the honesty and depth that counts. Sandra’s faith draws Simon closer not only to her but to God. And what a profound reminder this short story is! Sandra’s willingness to follow God’s whisper, despite her own hesitations, is a striking picture of true obedience: “OK, God, message received, I’ll go…” This story calls us all to move beyond our comfort zones to serve, not just during the holidays, but every day.
Sandra’s steps through the snow bring more than just physical gifts; she brings the most cherished treasure: the message of God’s constant love. With verses like Jeremiah 29:11 and Matthew 25:31-46 resonating quietly in the background, A Christmas Cup of Joe encourages readers to be the hands and feet of Christ wherever we are. This is more than a festive read; it’s a call to walk out God’s love as a guiding light with every step we take.
I received a digital ARC of A Christmas Cup of Joe from the author. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.
I just finished listening to the audiobook on Soundwise. I LOVED the gentleness of the story. It is an easy and inspirational listen. I highly recommend it.
This sounds like a lovely Christmas story that I'd enjoy reading!