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Grit and Grace

Three Creek Ranch, Book 1

Publication Date: 06.14.24

Genre: Christian Contemporary Fiction, Christian Romance, Christian Romcom

5 Stars!


Have you ever felt like your faith has gotten lost in the hustle? In the whirlwind of life, do you sometimes wonder if your faith is still burning brightly, or if it’s gotten buried under to-do lists and deadlines? Carolyn Miller's heartwarming new release, A Cameo for a Cowgirl, takes us on a journey alongside Cassie James, a ranch hand with grit and a heart for God, who gets more than she bargained for when a Hollywood production rolls into town.



This isn't your typical cowboy romance. Sure, the banter between Cassie and the arrogant leading man, Harrison Woods, is delightful, but Miller weaves a deeper story – a tapestry of faith, forgiveness, and the transformative power of living authentically for Christ!


Cassie's unwavering belief shines through, even when faced with Hollywood's facade. It compels us to examine our own priorities. Are we so busy chasing earthly dreams that we miss the whispers of the Holy Spirit or even the simplest, most direct commands from our Savior?  As Cassie navigates her new reality, she reflects on moments when “the Holy Spirit may have whispered that her conduct wasn’t exactly shining a light for Jesus. And while a certain Mountie wannabe has the ability to annoy the snot out of her, it didn’t change the fact that God still loved him.”


Miller's characters wrestle with real struggles, reminding us that God's love extends even to those who seem lost, like the jaded Harrison. His journey from skepticism to faith is deeply moving, as underscored when Cassie lovingly tells him, “We all need God, Harrison. More than anything. You need to stop running and let Him wrap you in His arms of love. Only then will you feel whole and complete again.”


This story isn't afraid to get real. It dives into the pain of a broken past and the healing that comes from relying on our Creator, God Almighty. Just like the characters, we find ourselves re-evaluating what it means to be a true hero – not the kind on a movie screen, but the kind who chooses faith, forgiveness, and love, even when it's difficult. Harrison’s transformation begins as he encounters authentic Christians like Ainsley Becket, who is noted for being “one of those rare ones who actually tried to live out what they believed.”


Carolyn Miller’s talent shines through in her ability to craft relatable characters and heartfelt stories. Her skillful storytelling and insightful exploration of faith and love make this book a standout in contemporary Christian fiction.


A Cameo for a Cowgirl is a breath of fresh air for readers who crave stories that touch the soul. It's a reminder that the most captivating adventures aren't found on a set, but in the quiet moments of surrender and the strength found in living a life guided by faith.  Whether you're a longtime fan of Carolyn Miller or simply seeking a story that will leave you smiling (and maybe a little teary-eyed), this book is a must-read. It's a heartwarming reminder that the greatest love story unfolds not on the silver screen, but in our own backyards, painted with the vibrant colors of faith, forgiveness, and God’s amazing love.

I received a digital copy of A Cameo for a Cowgirl from JustRead Publicity Tours LLC and the author. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

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