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Danger: A Constant Companion with Nowhere to Hide

Publication Date: 05.21.24

Genre: Christian, Romance, Mystery & Thriller

4.5 Stars!


Shielding the Innocent Target by Terri Reed is a breath-stealing blend of romantic suspense and unshakeable faith. We meet Paige Walsh, a woman thrust into a terrifying situation after witnessing her boss's murder. As a relentless assassin sets his sights on Paige and her son, Deputy US Marshal Lucas Cavendish becomes their protector - a shield against physical harm and the relentless shadows of fear.


This novel goes beyond typical romantic suspense. Reed authentically portrays God as the comforting presence, offering solace amidst the constant danger. We see Paige clinging to prayer as a lifeline, the sovereignty of God -- drawing strength from her beliefs during moments of despair. Lucas, too, looks to God for His peace, guidance, protection, offering a unique dynamic to their bond.


What truly sets this book apart is the pervasive sense of danger. Unlike stories with temporary safe havens, the threat here is a constant companion. No matter the bustling city or desolate highway, the assassin seems to be one step ahead, leaving Paige and Lucas perpetually on edge. This relentless pursuit creates a suffocating atmosphere, amplifying the emotional stakes with every turn of the page.


In the face of relentless danger, Lucas's faith becomes a lifeline. His whispered pleas for divine intervention punctuate the narrative. From the providential discovery of a functioning truck despite a flat tire to the overwhelming relief of surviving a night unscathed, every moment underscores their gratitude for God's protection. These instances highlight the profound connection between faith and resilience, where even the smallest blessings are celebrated as divine intervention in the midst of life-or-death situations.


Shielding the Innocent Target isn't for the faint of heart. It's a white-knuckle rollercoaster ride where danger lurks around every corner. What elevates this novel is its genuine portrayal of the Christian journey. Through the characters' struggles and the ongoing terrors, the unwavering presence of God shines brightly. This journey leads to a deeper faith for both the characters and the reader alike. Brace yourself to be ensnared not just by the relentless suspense, but also by the formidable shield of faith, piercing through the darkest of circumstances with a beacon of hope and unwavering courage, hitting the target of your heart with its transformative force.


I received a digital copy of Shielding the Innocent Target from the publisher via NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. My honest and unbiased opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the writing style, the pacing, and the story’s content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

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